We can all relate to this, right?! For our family, it’s not just baseball either! Both kids are involved in 4H and martial arts, Charlie plays baseball and is also in the school talent show, and for crying out loud we can’t forget about school itself! School is still in session until 3pm which means we still have nightly homework (which I can’t complain about because for Max–I’m sometimes the one assigning it!), we have the excitement and anticipation of only 9 days left of school, plus all the extracurriculars mentioned above! May is nuts in the Pennington house and seems to get more hectic each year as my boys turn another year older!
Sometimes my afternoons consist of dragging one kid through the house while trying to wrap him in his yellow belt while searching for another kid’s ball glove with a Go-gurt hanging out of my mouth because no one else could open it, trying to corral a dog that’s trying to open the front door and escape to the neighbor’s house all while yelling, “DO YOUR SPELLING HOMEWORK!” and wondering what that smell is coming from the bookbag on the floor!
Sound familiar?
But at the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade the chaos for anything in the world! Why? Because my boys are learning from all of this madness! What might they learn when it seems like all us parents are doing is losing our marbles? Let me tell ya:
#1) Responsibility They see that being responsible enough to practice will undoubtedly make them better. They learn that being responsible for putting uniforms in the hamper will result in clean clothes for the next event. They learn that if you’re responsible with you equipment it will last longer (and prove that they are ready for bigger and better things!). If they forget to take their home rules paper to karate, that shows they weren’t responsible enough to earn a fun game at the end of class. While they have a mom who is great for reminding, they also learn that not everything is Mom’s job.
#2)Teamwork. Both of my kids were infamous for getting halfway through a season of ANYTHING that they begged to sign up for, then bawling that they don’t want to attend a practice or game. It is never fun to drag a half dressed, bawling ’til your nose runs, monster of a child out of the house and to a game! (Trust me. Been there) This year we had a big talk about teamwork. Your team relies on you to be there, they NEED you! Without you, there’s no second baseman or person to practice self defense with! It’s always nice to feel needed and kids need to feel this too. We’ve had pretty happy kids leaving for the ball diamond this year.
#3)While I’m playing taxi driver, seamstress, housekeeper, chef, and therapist—these kids are having a blast! They building lifelong friendships and creating memories that will always be cherished. Some of my favorite memories of childhood revolve around the friends that I made during the summer months at the county fair or 4H camp! I love that my own kids are building these bonds. Plus, who am I kidding? I’ve been off work for a month–I need the socialization and adult interaction!
And let’s be realistic here–these kids are dog tired and ready to snooze after all the running is done so mama enjoys a quiet night with papa and a glass of wine (after those little angels refuse to take a shower, leave their laundry on the floor and need 5 drinks and a snack, and tucked in for the third time, that is). Really, though, there is no better feeling at the end of the day than knowing that you’re raising a little boy who makes you crazy proud–even if he is the kid running in circles around third base instead of catching the ball.
Enjoy your littles. They’re growing up fast.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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Having two boys at home, I definitely feel you on the busyness! Mine are still littles, but I find myself thinking about the day they’re both in school and wondering how I’m going to keep up. These are great points for me to keep in mind for now and for the future.
I can totally relate with two little boys at homes (even though they’re still little). You’re right, you are teaching your boys a lot by your actions and by involving them in so much.
Which my two boys are just toddlers I’m already getting a glimpse of the chaos to come. You’re right though, they learn so much by watching us – at any age!
Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Love those boys!