Define What Embarrasses You
So, the first thing you need to think about is what is actually embarrassing you? For some people, it’s knowing that they’re ill when everyone else around them is well. This shows that they don’t like to be weak, and they don’t like others to think they’re not as good. Missing out on things can also play a bit part in it. For others, it’s when the symptoms of the illness they have become really noticeable. For example, a gastroenterology problem, depending on what it is, can reveal signs such as wind, or a frequent need to go to the toilet, or a swollen stomach. Queue the judgement of being pregnant, having the runs, or whatever else people might think will judge you for. But, we’re telling you that if you actually open up to people, and tell them that you really are unwell, sympathy will come in, and judgement will just melt away.
Try & Get On Top Of The Illness
If you really hate the fact that your health isn’t as it should be, then find a way to get on top of your illness. So many people just ignore the signs and symptoms for so long, when a cure could be found so quickly. Circling back to any stomach problems, which really can leave you feeling embarrassed, you could get a consultative gastroenterology to see you. They’re experts in their field which is directly related to problems with the digestive system! There’s an expert in everything, so if you feel like you have a long term problem, get seen to!
Let It Empower You
Finally, we really think you should let your problem empower you. The more you dwell on the fact that you’re unwell, the worse you’re going to feel. If you have a long term condition that you know you can’t shake, roll with the punches! Embrace it, own it, and don’t let anybody think you’re any different. The more normal you act, the more normal you’re going to feel. You could even start doing fundraising for a charity related to your illness, so that you’re connected with like minded people.
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