Coffee can make your more intelligent – Shut the front door! Who knew?! We tend to drink coffee when we have been lacking in the sleep department, right? Well, not only does coffee give you the jolt you need to wake up, but also it actually makes you sharper. This is according to a report by CNN. They concluded that coffee helps the brain to work in a smarter and more efficient way. A number of the complex functions we associate with intelligence will improve through drinking coffee! For example, logical reasoning, attention, vigilance, and reaction time are all improved by drinking coffee. I definitely should be a prodigy by now…
You can add a bit of luxury to your own home – One of the great things about coffee is that you can buy coffeemakers today that enable you to create everything from cappuccinos to lattes from the comfort of your own home. This enables you to have a little slice of luxury every day. Honestly, y’all…my Keurig is my best friend (next to Dunkin’ Donuts, that is). If you’re in the market for a new coffeemaker, take a look at Keurig coffee maker reviews from CoffeeBits to help you weigh your options! You can read comments that have been left by others to determine the best coffeemaker based on your taste, budget, and lifestyle.
Coffee can reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes – There are a number of benefits associated with coffee in regards to your health, and one of these is lowering the risk of Type 2 diabetes. This is according to a study that was carried out by The American Chemical Society. The study concluded that the risk of developing this type of diabetes was cut in half for people that drank four or more cups of coffee per day. Not only this, but the risk lowers by an extra seven percent for every additional cup of the good stuff that is enjoyed.
Coffee can make you feel happier – I mean, obviously! I’m walking proof of this; just ask my coworkers! If you are a self-confessed coffee addict like I am, this is probably something you are already well aware of. However, it has also been proven. The National Institute of Health carried out a study, which revealed that people were 10 percent less likely to be depressed if they drank four cups of coffee per day when compared with non-coffee drinkers. Not to mention, if you get to enjoy your coffee in a local shop like my favorite, Cabin Fever, you can’t help but be happy! Pretty awesome, huh?!
As you can see, there are many reasons why you should drink coffee every day. A lot of people assume that coffee is bad for them or that they should cut out their daily cup. But, in reality, it possesses a lot of benefits, so there is no need to cut out your daily dose of heaven just yet!
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